Agricole is an independent Grain Marketing and Brokerage service based in Cambridge - working for progressive farmers since 1993. Agricole acts as the farmer's own private grain trader, working on his behalf to secure the best prices for combinable crops.
Farmers tell us they are finding it harder to keep track of grain markets. Increasing workloads, volatile markets and lower grain prices make it harder to reach the right deal. The lack of good information forces them to react rather than anticipate market movements.
Agricole provides a dedicated service based on specialist knowledge and tailored to your specific needs. We provide timely information, a weekly grain market report with recommendations, hassle-free brokerage and marketing services using hedging via minimum priced contracts - a combination guaranteed to get you the best results.
One call is all it takes to obtain accurate market information and a no obligation quote for services - find out more by calling us on 01954 719452 or emailing jeremy@agricole.co.uk.
Grain Brokerage
This is the original Agricole service. A 'beat my price' service, Agricole achieves a higher price or better total contract on approx 95% of the time. Over £1m has been saved for its clients since 1993. This service is, 50p/t.
Grain Marketing
Now the largest sector of Agricole's service and the most important service to its clients. This is how clients make, and limit losing, revenue/margin from trading in the very volatile combinable crops market.
Grain Report
Written on a Thursday evening, it contains impartial market information on combinable crops, ex farm prices, LIFFE futures close & currency. It is used to compare and contrast with other market information clients obtain.
“I came across Jeremy’s services when he delivered a presentation to one of the discussion groups I’m involved in. I found his independent views very refreshing and see them as essential in ensuring our business maximises its returns. His service saves me time in that I no longer have to phone round numerous traders as this is what he does, only far more efficiently.”
Andrew Randall, Randall Farms, Berkshire“Agricole has been a beacon of hope to many farmers who have persevered in growing crops (as they believe they should) amidst all the uncertainty of globalisation and constraints by non-market forces including enviromental groups, politicians, etc.”
Robert Bruce, Cambs“Based out on the North Norfolk coast with significant grain tonnage to sell, but with my considerable involvement with the tourism side of the business, I really appreciate the simplicity of presentation and sound impartial advice with the Agricole Report, plus the odd bit of humour occasionally to lighten the load.”
D.M., Yorkshire“Thank you for sending the article Stop Trading Backwards I have just read it with great interest. You have hit the nail on the head and I can relate to the scenario that you describe.
It is a common fault in farmer market trading to spend too much time looking at the spilt corn rather than looking at the next bucket load.”
David Meredith, West Farm, Shropshire“Thanks for latest bad news ! At least it is what I have been expecting. I cannot see any improvement in prices till this time next year, hence I completed selling 2011 crop two weeks ago which means it will rise now!
Have sold 30% of ’12 wheat crop (AV. £150 Aug/Nov) and building storage to hold the rest, but will keep selling if it comes back above £150. 15% rape sold £350 AA and 20% Malting barley £175. Your reports still the best read of the week.”
Alister Borthwick, Deepdale Farms, Norfolk“Thank you for your advice and guidance on the use of options. In a volatile market, it is an extremely useful way of providing the farmer with a minimum price and no maximum price, and both this year and last year have been good examples where we have opened up the potential of fixed price forward grain sales to rising markets.”
Nigel Pearson, Manor Farm, Cambridge“Jeremy’s reports are the best of the lot. Particularly now he’s giving more predictions of the future, he gives lots of guidance.”
Richard Allan, Rugby“Thank you for the excellent grain reports during the season – which help very much with marketing our grain. Knowing what has happened around the world, who is buying what and how other people’s harvests are going is a very useful tool.”
George & Dan Crook, Aughton Farm, Wilts“Out of all the reports I read, or rather receive from various grain merchants, yours is the most readable, being concise, factual and relevant.”
John Young, Ringstead, Norfolk“Agricole offers me 24/7 access to an unbiased overview of the markets in which I am interested, both in the long and short term. I am free to do as much or as little busines as I wish, and always feel that the service is provided to benefit my particular position.
The information I receive has the farmer’s interests at heart, and a solution is usually found to help me in what I am trying to acheive. The service is both professional and personal, and I would say that the service now lies at the heart of my grain marketing strategy.”
Nick Rowsell, John Rowsell Ltd, Winchester